In case this is of interest, here’s the updated colophon for this version of the site, roughly version 5. It’s built in WordPress using a very nice theme by Anders Norén called Lovecraft, as of 12/26/2018.

Pictured: “New Slang” c. 2016.
This is the first time I have used a theme I did not design on this site. I built my prior theme, which I had entitled “New Slang” in an homage to the Shins song, in 2007. This coincided with my painstaking migration of, at the time, seven-plus years of posts written and uploaded in good old static HTML (giving them all titles along the way). Luckily, my posting schedule was fairly sporadic even then.
After a few years of somewhat active posting followed by several years of neglect, I mirrored the site temporarily at another host intending to migrate it permanently. Unfortunately, the site got mercilessly hacked, so I had to restore it from an old backup using the newest version of WordPress. (Some of the special characters might still be messed up from that move.) In doing so, I moved to this modern theme by an actual theme developer so that I could get the site operating again.
Finally, in February 2021—almost exactly twenty years after launching it—I moved it permanently to hosting, which is very inexpensive and adventurously minimal. Anyway, this is dedicated to the one person who I know remembers this site exists. ❤️
Photos: Generally speaking, I’ve taken the photos on the site unless otherwise credited (but not always). The photos that currently alternate in the header were taken at Bennett Lake (Bennett, British Columbia); the eastern shore of Oahu, Hawaii; Alcatraz Island looking toward San Francisco; the Municipal Pier in San Francisco looking toward downtown and Ghirardelli Square; Crissy Field in the Presidio looking toward the Golden Gate Bridge; the Oakland/Alameda County Coliseum (at an A’s game); Lydgate Beach on Kauai, Hawaii; Waianapanapa State Park on Maui, Hawaii; and a few photos of Boris and Marley in our apartment (and now in our house!) in Madison, WI.
Typefaces: For a little while I used Bodoni URW in the header, which at the time I’d correctly predicted would be transitional—though it’s still in the favicon. [¯\_(ツ)_/¯.] (I went back to something I like that I think I’d previously done, which was my writing the name of the site in pencil.) On roughly version 4 (“New Slang,” as referenced above), I used a lovely display typeface called “Big Top” by someone called Shamrock.

this site, c. 2006.
In the header and flash intro of version 3-ish (and in the header of this version for a time), I used a font called Accidental Presidency by Tepid Monkey Fonts.

Version 1.0, featuring Flotsam Smart and Joystix. As I requested in those early days, “Bring your own browser… but please don’t spill anything on the stylesheet.” Classic Gohlkus.
Previous versions of the site relied heavily on Ray Larabie’s excellent fonts, including Screengem, Joystix, and Blue Highway (which I also used at work back in the day). The first version of this site featured a lot of a typeface called Flotsam Smart. I may redesign it again when the whim strikes me.
Thanks for stopping by; enjoy!